How to keep Candidates Engaged with your Portal? | CAYPRO

 It has been observed by major Professional Engagement site LinkedIn that there has been a rise in candidates dropping out from the process of recruitment by 20% in the recent years and this has got the recruiters thinking how it has adversely affected the pool of talents for a particular company.

The reason why keeping a candidate engaged is crucial for the company is to ensure that the right hire does not slip away due to miscommunication or slack in the part of the hiring authority, caused primarily because of lack of follow up or communications. As much as it is important for the hiring authorities to know a candidate well enough, it is equally vital to ensure that the trust of a candidate is earned before one is hired.

How to Accentuate Candidate Engagement?

It is at this juncture one realizes the importance of an automated hiring tool, or an Automated Tracking System like CAYPRO that eases the task of the recruiters. This is especially true in case of bulk campus hiring or voluminous hiring's are being conducted that makes manual communications extremely tedious.

What are the Keys to Augment Candidate Experience and Engagements?

Respond to New Applications Faster- As a recruiter, one must ensure that every new application is responded to promptly to keep the potential hire engaged and interested. With an intelligent ATS, it becomes an easy ride for the recruiters to respond within a click once an application is received.

Automated Calendar Invites- One can use the ATS to set up calendar invites so that no candidate is left out or over-looked during the process of bulk hiring.

Ask About the Best Communication Format- The ATS-CAYPRO allows communication through text messages and WhatsApp texts within its platform. One can also sync the email to seamlessly integrate every conversation within the existing ATS.

Negotiate on the Interview Time- CAYPRO allows the candidate to suggest a suitable time for interview if there is any clash and an automatic reminder is sent along with invitation update on the same.

Follow Up Slow Repliers- An ATS like CAYPRO boosts the communication process by following up regularly with candidates that do not respond promptly. This is particularly essential to keep them engaged with the existing job role and application process.

Create a Unique Experience with ATS- Your ATS can be a mirror to your brand and CAYPRO allows you to integrate your brand identity within its platform to make sure the hiring is reliable, authentic and true to the brand image.

Provide Essential Information About the Recruitment Process- Any job role can be posted through CAYPRO on various job portals like LinkedIn or Monster along with the protocol of the recruitment procedure. This provides clarity and answers the questions which a candidate might have during the application process.

Send Details About the Interview Process- CAYPRO enables bulk mails to be sent by the recruiting team for various job roles along with the details of each interview process. This is particularly helpful when one is handling multiple job boards at the same time.

Share More Information About the Company- CAYPRO not only is an ATS but also an ancillary tool to focus on your brand identity and the smart hiring that your company stands for. It enables an easy UX and UI to keep the candidates hooked on till the end of the selection process.

Create Social Media Employer Accounts- A social media account of the brand is particularly necessary as we notice a stark shift in the process of hiring from offline to online mode. Any candidate will be invested if the social media account of the employer is buzzing with exciting details and news that can be attractive to the prospective candidates.

Create Candidate’s Newsletter- CAYPRO allows hassle-free framing of newsletter to follow up on the candidates and on the returning applicants for the new job roles. This also speaks volume about the company’s work ethics and the emotional quotient of the employers.

Provide Feedback and Ask For It- COGBEE, an automated, AI-driven interviewing and screening tool along with CAYPRO, ease the process of hiring by providing constructive feedback about the performance of each candidate and the areas of improvement. One can also access the reports about each applicant on the dashboard, revealing crucial analytics essential for making hiring decisions.

Measuring the Performance of Your Candidate Engagement Strategy- As an ATS, CAYPRO is also capable of keeping a tab on the candidates’ activities and their rate of engagement. These analytics help the recruiting team make future decisions without leaving a room for instinctiveness.

We now recognize how an ATS can secretly boost your company’s image by maintaining an  interface with the candidates and successfully establish an engaging relationship where both are mutually benefitted.


Weekee is a experienced Digital Marketer, Technology blogger, Lead Generation Expert.

Digital Marketing in Profession, Fitness by passion.
